
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Avast! Talk Like A Pirate Day Is Here!.. 

And it IS Tuesday, September 19, 2006 which, if'n you're inclined to pay attention to such things, is international Talk Like A Pirate Day. Not being one to let such things pass sans fanfare, I am prepared to offer to you crazy kids two (count 'em - TWO) examples of your humble bloghost (that would be me) talking like a pirate under legitimate circumstances. The first is a bit cut from my short-lived stint as a DJ at a classic rock station here in town. This was from January of 2003, the day that the Oakland Raiders were set to take on the eventual Super Bowl Champion Tampa Bay Buccaneers - An all-pirate superbowl! It's not radio gold by any stretch of the imagination but I do get to have a conversation with myself on the air. Go ahead and take a listen:
click here for the sounds, baby!

Additionally, as if that weren't good enough, here I have an example of a commercial that I ACTUALLY GOT PAID TO DO for an ACTUAL car dealer...The sales event was called the "Pirates of the Car-I'd-Be-In." Sadly, on the day that the spot had to be cut, I had a bit of a sinus infection so I wasn't in full piratey glory but...it's passable. I like the parrot at the end, personally. Regardless, here that is:
click here for the sounds, baby!

So there you go...Don't forget to talk like a scurvy pirate for the rest of today! YARR!

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