
Friday, December 17, 2004

A Post About Nothing... 

I would TRULY love to post something for (you) people to read today. I would absolutely love nothing more than to string some words together that could potentially make someone laugh or, at the very least, elicit a smirk here and there. That being said, and as much as I'd love to do all of that...

I just don't think it's gonna happen today...

"But why, you slacking piece of slacky crap?" I hear you ask, again with that oh-so-familiar "indignant tone."

The short answer is "because." The long answer is "because I'm busy."

See, I'm going on vacation (again) here soon...As such, I won't be at work all of next week. Traditionally, on the last day that I'm going to be around before vacation, my boss tends to "load me down" with little crappy crap projects, just to get them out of the way and, presumably, just to squeeze whatever work out of me that she can before I go blissfully off to enjoy my vacation (and, obviously, "not do any work."). This is THAT day, and it's no different from the other "that days" that have come before it. I am currently inundated with wee, menial projects...

However, since you were kind enough to stop by, I shall throw another random little drawing your way...um...Here, try this one!

So there you go...I'll try my damnedest to put together something cohesive this weekend, just because...well...I don't know...Nonetheless, I will try...

I promise.

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