
Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Yes, We Have No "Content..." We Have No "Content" Today!.. 

Ok, so I'm like REAL busy today and haven't had any time to come up with actual content. Lucky for me, at times like these, I have the ability to "dip into the well" of (crappy) drawings that I produced when I was younger...In particular, today I'm going to share with you all more of the Little Known Spirits, which, if you saw the first installment, you know are little characters that I drew when I was (roughly) 14 years old. Keep in mind that I am no longer 14, not by a long shot. As such, I COULD apologize for the simple (crappy) drawing style and the lack of penmanship inherent in the following illustrations, but...What's the point? I was a kid, you heartless bastard! Cut me some slack! (sob, cry)...

Anyway, here come them spirits!..

this little guy goes great with my entry from yesterday. Yes, kids, even when you've hit ROCK EFFING BOTTOM, you've got a Little-Known Spirit on your side. Or maybe not, at least not in my town...We don't have a whole lot of bridge people anymore since the city passed that ordinance...

I'm now a little concerned as to why I'd draw something like Vito. It's probably because I had heard the term "punk" and/or "pigsticker" used together in a movie and thought that the combination was "catchy." I realize NOW, though, that the term "pigsticker" referring to a "knife" MIGHT BE some sort of reference that "cops" wouldn't be too fond of, so...I'm sorry, I was 14...You are cordially invited to travel back in time and hate me then...

Ahh, yes. Who HASN'T been frustrated by the game of "golf" at one time or another? The ironic thing is, at this point in my young life, I had never even PLAYED tennis...I imagine that this little spirit is named "Bob" in honor of R.W. (Bob) Eaks, who is a professional golfer that my father once caddied for. Poor R-dub is the poster boy for "close but not quite." That, however, is another story for another time...

Ah, HA, this is part of a SERIES! Ah ha ha ha! The only problem I have with this one is that I REALLY DOUBT that I'd ever be frustrated while playing tennis to the point of wanting to chunk the whole thing and go golfing. As bad as I am at tennis, I'm ten times worse at golf...(Hint: I'm not real good at tennis)

And so, we come to the logical end of this "series within a series" of doodles...Ralph has decided to give up nerve-racking sports like Golf and/or Tennis for a pastime that is NOT ONLY inexpensive and efficient, but doesn't last long enough for any shame and humiliation you may feel to matter...Good for you, Ralph...You 'da man...

I'm suddenly perplexed as to whether Luigi operates on behalf of those companies who would manufacture and distribute a faulty product or for those poor, unfortunate souls who would end up PURCHASING such a product...Either way, I have decided that I do not like Luigi. He can burn in Hell...

I have no stinking idea what part of my feeble little mind this doodle came out of, I've never even KNOWN any interior designers, let alone interior designers who're head cases...Perhaps Chuck is now watching over the cast of "Trading Spaces" or "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy." No matter what, I'm hoping that he's found work somewhere...You always hope that your "progeny" will do well for themselves, even if they only exist in some stupid fantasy land...

Postscript: I am SO SORRY, Luigi, I didn't mean those horrible things I said. Please come home...

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