
Friday, July 13, 2007

Phrickin' Photoblog Phriday - What Happens in Vegas... 

Lo, it is Friday, the day set aside for the sharing of the visual images and somesuch and whatnot. Indeed, it hath been said to me by certain people that this is the lone day which they visit my humble little blogsitething, drawn solely by the prospect of pictures, yearning for photographical goodness...Seriously, I didn't realize. Shit, enough with my blabbering, how about I show you kids some pictures from our recent trip to Las Vegas which, if you're the regular readin' type, you already read a tiny bit about earlier in the week and, if you're the listenin' type (my favorite type, by the way), you heard about on this week's podcast...
clicky! They get so damn big you won't know what to do with them

mom and dad at the hash house a go go
So yes, we enjoyed food at the Hash House A-Go-Go while we were in Las Vegas. My dad especially wanted to try the place, seemingly in disbelief that their portions could be anywhere near as large as the legends state that they are...So unsuspecting...So carefree...They have no idea what kind of monster cuisine lurks just around the corner...

I was even told - take a NICE picture
Myself, I'd been to Hash House once already, as had my wife. As you can see, I had already slipped into a fear-induced coma while my wife put her "brave face" on for one last snapshot before her French Toast arrived...Would it devour her or would it go down the other way 'round? (in reality, this was the first day in a few days that I was feeling good and had an appetite. Just before this picture was taken, I was admonished to "take a NICE picture." I smiled real nice and normal but, right after the first "redeye" flash but before the main flash, I did the whole eyes in the back of the head thing that you see here. I know, I'm proud too).

Fear the biscuit and it's massive proportion!
Seriously though, look at all of that Goddamned food! This was my entree, the sage fried chicken. That yellowish mound on the left are scrambled eggs. It was supposed to come with 2 eggs over easy but...Well, they fucked up. Additionally, observe the biscuit and it's imposing girth! It dwarfs even the water glass on the table (and tastes excellent, I should add). The huge mound underneath all of it are griddled mashed potatoes. There's a caramel-maple reduction drizzled over the whole mess. So yeah, if you're not hungry by NOW...

this is no ordinary pancake
Here's the massive mofo of a pancake which my dad ordered. Yes, it takes up the whole platter and yes, it's the most fluffy (and delicious) pancake that I've ever had occasion to ingest. Just amazing...

no, that's the INTERIOR of the place. Seriously.
Getting away from the subject of food portions so large they border on illegal, here's the an interior shot of the hotel we stayed in at night. Yes, I know it looks like the OUTSIDE but it's not. The hotel is set up to mimic a nice park on the inside. It's really quite cool, you should check it out sometime...

you'd think Al were in the witness protection program or somethin'
Here's a quick snapshot of Shannon and Aldie taken while we were enjoying dinner at Austin's inside Texas Station. You'd think the camera steals Al's soul or that he's in the witness protection program or something the way he turtles everytime someone wants his picture. On the bright side, Shannon looks normal. And happy.

mom with master magician raymond joseph teller
So in the three times that I've seen Penn and Teller perform at the Rio in las Vegas, I've not had my picture taken with Teller. As you can see, this time out I sent my mom up to pose with him...Why do I avoid him? Oh Hell, I dunno. I just seem to be stuck holding whatever camera we have with us when we first exit the auditorium and *bam* Teller's right there. I did get a chance to ask him about his shoes (which were awesome and DAMMIT, why didn't I take a picture of them). They are, of course, custom made. Anyway, enough about Teller's shoes...

and here I am with Penn...Again...
Here I am getting my picture taken with Penn Jillette, pretty much as I did this time last year. Of course, THIS time I'm sporting the shirt that I made specifically to wear as a gag to show to Penn and, hey, he laughed. You can hear about the whys and such surrounding the shirt if you listen to this week's awesomecast. No, seriously, I'm not going into any more detail. No. Shoo. Go listen.

So that's that, our trip to Vegas condensed into 8 tiny photographs. As always, thanks for stopping by. You kids have a fine weekend now...

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