Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Meet Baby Max...For Real This Time...

So the other day I was talking with the owner of the agency that Collin and I work at and he mentioned the impending birth of my son. With a zeal usually reserved for free taco day at the mall or...Something for which great zeal is reserved, he said that he's looking forward to seeing the changes in ME after my kid was born. "What changes" I thought...Having a kid won't change me at all...
So yeah, I've been wrong before. I cried when he popped out (with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck), I cried when he got his first set of shots...I'm in a strange emotional state (I'm also hyper protective of the little thing). He was born at 12:57pm today (February 26), he weighed 6 pounds, 3 ounces, was 19 inches long and Goddamn if I don't love him more than anything I've ever loved before. What's that you say? You want to see pictures? Ok, just remember though...You asked for them...

Fresh from the womb, max commits his first act of defiance by peeing all over the warming table. The ladies taking care of him at that point weren't at all surprised. Heck, they expected it. I didn't know that he did it until I checked the pictures later...So here it is...

Warmed, wrapped and wready to go - it's Max the Burrito...

It had to happen eventually...Max meets his mom for the first time...

And here he meets his grandma for the first time. That's the nurse on the right probing him...Or something...

And here I am meeting my son for the first time. I was physically and emotionally exhausted at this point and I WOULD NOT LET HIM GO. Not even to go see mom.

I carried him over to the NICU to get all of his "stuff" done. Vitals, Range of motion tests, testicle location, shots (that was so hard to watch). Then he got his first bath...

I let the student nurse take care of the bath since we haven't gone through the second baby care class. It's tomorrow night. Oops...Anyhow, he got his head shampooed first...

And he disapproved of it wholeheartedly...

Max got a reward for all the trouble in the NICU, though...A new hat which he's quite fond of...
And I'm quite fond of him. Welcome to the world, Max.
Labels: Baby max, Phrickin' Photoblogs, tales of triumph