
Thursday, April 12, 2007

Illustration Friday on Thursday - Green...With Envy!.. 

Hey, before I get too far into this post, effectively burying yesterday's posting under a pile of "words" (also: crap), if you're clicking through from Myspace looking for the interview with GerRee of Freak Train Fame, you can find such things right here...

Ok, now that I have THAT out of the way, LOOK! IT'S THURSDAY! Holy crap! I figure that, since it's been what?..3 weeks since I participated in the whole Illustration Friday thing. As such, I have decided (since I'm a decisive sort of fella') that it's high time I actually participate. The problem with all that is the sad fact that I just couldn't seem to make any of my ideas for "green" (which was the theme word this week, by the way) even remotely work. As a last ditch effort, I merely pulled out an old illustration that I've used for several newspaper ads here at the agency (but never as an Illustration Friday submission). This guy's name is Irv and he likes to show off all of his "green."
click on Irv to see him larger. He'd appreciate it.
I'm in ur wallet, stealing all ur paper monies
As you can plainly see, Irv has more money than you do and is also not shy about parading that fact around. Anyway, thanks for stopping by...You kids have a fine Thursday now...

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