
Thursday, August 10, 2006

Illustration Friday on Thursday - GOTCHA!.. 

This week, she simply flies! Like the wind even! Seriously, here we are, it's Thursday already and it's very likely that the 3 or 4 of you who are coming around to this blogsitething (intentionally) are expecting me to unveil (yet another) half-assed pencil-on-notebook-paper Illustration Friday offering. Since I hate to disappoint you crazy kids, I shall comply with your wishes...The theme this week was "capture" and THIS is my interpretation:
click on it, it will get SO DAMN BIG, you won't know WHAT to do. I'm serious.
In the UNDERWEAR drawer? eww...
So there you go. As always, thanks for stopping by! You all have a great Thursday ('cause I said so).

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